Survivor’s Pension

If you die leaving a surviving spouse, civil partner or cohabiting partner, they will become entitled to a long term pension. This pension is payable for life, and will be paid immediately after your death. It will increase each year in line with the cost of living.

Spouse’s and civil partner’s pension

A spouse’s and civil partner’s pension will be equal to 1/160th of your final pay multiplied by your total membership up to date of death,  plus the potential membership you could have accrued from date of death to your Normal Pension Age.  

Co-habiting partner pension

A Co-habiting partner pension will be equal to 1/160th of your pensionable pay multiplied by the total membership you built up from 6th April 1988 up to the date of death, plus the potential membership you could have accrued from date of death to age 65.

Membership prior to 6th April 1988 would also be used in the calculation if you have opted to pay additional contributions so that it counts towards a cohabiting partner’s pension.

From April 2014 a survivor’s pension will automatically be payable to a cohabiting partner without the need for the scheme member to have completed a form nominating them to receive a survivor’s pension.