
If you are in receipt of a pension from the Gwynedd Pension Fund, and accept a job with an employer that does not participate in the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS), there will be no change to your pension and it will be paid as usual each month. 

However, if you accept a job with an employer who participate in the LGPS and you have retired on ill health tier 1 or 2 grounds (or retired on ill health grounds before April 2008) or retired on the grounds of early / redundancy retirement, and received compensatory additional years/pension your pension benefits may be affected, whether you elect to re-join the scheme or not.

You are legally required to:

  • Notify your new employer that you are in receipt of a LGPS pension
  • Inform the Gwynedd Pension Fund in writing that you have been re-employed by an employer who participates in the LGPS

Your pension may be reduced or suspended if the salary of your new post exceeds the maximum amount you are able to earn.

Please contact us for more information.