Administration Strategy
The key objectives of this strategy are to ensure that:
- The Fund and Employers are aware of and understand their respective roles and responsibilities under the LGPS Regulations and in the delivery of administrative functions
- The Fund operates in accordance with LGPS regulations and is aligned with The Pension Regulator in demonstrating compliance and scheme governance.
- Communication processes are in place to enable both the Fund and Employers to proactively and responsively engage with each other and other partners.
- Accurate records are maintained for the purpose of calculating pensions entitlements and Employer liabilities, ensuring all information and data is communicated accurately, timely and in a secure and compliant manner
- The Fund and scheme employers have appropriate skills and that guidance/training is in place to deliver a high quality service and effectively contribute to the changing pensions agenda
- Standards are set and monitored for the delivery of specified activities in accordance with Regulations.
A copy of Gwynedd Pension Fund’s Administration Strategy can be fouund in the attachments section below.