Ill Health Certificates

Please see below the Ill Health Certificates and Notes of Guidance (click the names of the relevant certificate to open it):

Ill Health Certificate 1: Active member after 31/03/2014 (Notes of Guidance)

Ill Health Certificate 2: Deferred member leaving on or after 01/04/2014 (Notes of Guidance)

Ill Health Certificate 3: Deferred member who left on or after 1 April 2008, and before 1 April 2014 (Notes of Guidance)

Ill Health Certificate 4: Deferred member left on or after 1 April 1998 and before 1 April 2008 (Notes of Guidance)

Ill Health Certificate 5: Deferred members who left on or before 1 April 1998 (Notes of Guidance)

Ill Health Certificate 6: Current Eligible Councillor (Notes of Guidance)

Ill Health Certificate 7: Former Councillor Members (Notes of Guidance)

Ill Health Certificate 8: Current 3rd Tier Pensioner. Where the cessation of employment occurred after 31 March 2014, and where the Review is taking place 18 months after cessation of employment and before NPA (Notes of Guidance)

Ill Health Certificate 9: Suspended 3rd Tier Pensioner – After 31 March 2014. Where the cessation of employment occurred after 31 March 2014, with the Review taking place at the request of the member whilst the 3rd Tier pension is in payment, or within 3 years after cessation of the payment of the 3rd tier pension, and before Normal retirement Age (Notes of Guidance)

Ill Health Certificate 10: Suspended 3rd Tier Pensioner – Review 3 or more years after the cessation of the 3rd tier pension, and before Normal Pension Age, where cessation of employment occurred after 31 March 2014 (Notes of Guidance)

Ill Health Certificate 11: Current 3rd Tier Pensioner – Where the cessation of employment occurred before 1 April 2014, where the review is taking place 18 months after the date of cessation of employment, and before normal retirement age (Notes of Guidance)

Ill Health Certificate 12: Suspended 3rd Tier Pensioner – Where the cessation of employment occurred before 1 April 2014, with the Review taking place within 3 years of the cessation of the 3rd tier pension, and before Normal retirement Age (Notes of Guidance)

Ill Health Certificate 13: Suspended 3rd Tier Pensioner – Review taking place 3 or more years after the cessation of the 3rd tier pension, and before Normal retirement Age, where cessation of employment occurred before 1 April 2014 (Notes of Guidance)

Frequently Asked Questions Please click here for the list of the current approved Independent Registered Medical Practitioner (IRMP).